Brave Girls Club

Brave Girls Club



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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Captured Creature Bottle Swap

Hi Everyone!!
This swap was so much fun and I just love how it turned out! 
Here is the link to the actual swap: Captured Creature Bottles
We were supposed to find a bottle of some sort, create a scene inside and add a little captured creature.  The creature could be anything.  I put fun little fairies in mine.  My husband loves this certain kind of salad dressing and the bottles it comes in are really cute so I have been saving them.  I glued fake grass in the bottom and added a bit of potpourri for color.  Our neighbor's tree is always shedding little sticks from it's branches so I took a couple of those and glued the fairy to it along with some glitter and a little more potpourri.  I took two more sticks and twisted pretty yarn around them so that it would look like vines found in a fairy home.  I covered the bottles with tulle (so the fairies could breathe!!) and tied it with pretty yarns and ribbons.  A little bird tops the whole thing and adds the perfect finishing touch!! :)  Check it out:
 Do you like them?  I just love them and I think I will make more to give to friends and family.  They are so sweet!

Disappointing side note:  Here is a picture of the bottle I got from my swap partner.  It is just a plastic bottle with cotton stuffed in it and three little foam stickers on it.  I understand that we all have varying artistic capabilities but it seems that little or no thought was put into it.  I really don't want to be an unkind person but I wish she would have taken more time with this project.


  1. Your bottles are adorable and exactly what I was hoping people would create when I made this swap. Great job.

  2. im following you!

    I wish i have the nit for such craft!

    robotgranny SB

  3. I was really afraid to try that swap! Your bottles are beautiful! And that adorable little fairy! Blessings! LADYHIGHTOWER (

  4. I like your captured creatures I think I would have loved to get something like that. It is always sad when our partners disappoint... I've been on both sides of that equation and it always makes me feel bad no matter which side I'm on.

    I am following you...I am cmarois and this is brought to you courtesy of the I'm a blogger too swap

  5. Hi Kelly,
    So nice to meet you and get to know you through your blog. You're so terrific at crafting! I especially loved your mermaid barbie, her tail rocks. I also think you're totally cool for telling the truth about the lame bottle you got from your partner in the capture a creature swap! It's so hard to be truthful because when you're so good at crafting you want to give the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes it's just so lame you want to call them out on it. Happened to me once or twice. You work so hard to make something beautiful and you get back something with two stickers on an ill cut place card and your name spelled wrong. lol. Good on you for speaking up.
    I will be adding your link to a blog post I'm putting up probably wednesday with links to my partners on this swap for blog followers.
    I'm Jaemac, btw, from swapbot and I'm happily a new follower of your awesome blog. So nice to meet you! Seriously, one of the best blogs I've been to, great "voice".
    Jenn (jaemac from swap-bot)

  6. your captured fairies are adorable
    i can see you put a lot of though into the concept and creation of them
    how disappointing to receive something very basic in return
    kinda like life really, there's always some people who are in it to get more out than they put in
    if I see your name in a swap list anywhere (easy to remember!) I'd pick you :-)

  7. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! Especially because I was starting to feel bad about posting that picture of the swap I received. I'm glad you all are understanding of my feelings and that it isn't really the lack of creative knowledge - more the lack of effort that I was upset about. Thank you for your kind words and making me feel better!! :)

  8. The bottles you made were amaaaazing!! You have a real gift, dear, because I'm afraid I wouldn't have done much better than what you received myself, sadly.:c3 LOL! That being said, this is Sheri aka Sherifaerie from Swap-Bot swap Be my Blog Follower on Blogger, now following you! I LOVE your blog design as well, gorgeous!!

  9. This is such a wonderful idea, and I just love the ones you've made!

    swapbot: zilliah

  10. Wow, your little bottles are so magical! I would have been disappointed with what you received as well... what a bummer! :S

    RJcanuck @ SB, via the Blog Me, Baby swap

  11. I love how each bottle tells a story! Super cute.
    -Laura P.

  12. Your bottles really are adorable!

    So glad I found you through the “All Kinds of Artists” Artist blog hop!
    I am your newest blog follower. :)

    I welcome you to check out my art blog, too!

    Mary C. Nasser
