Brave Girls Club

Brave Girls Club



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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Altered Barbies

This is a picture of a Barbie my swap partner sent to me.  She knows I collect flying pigs and she turned her into one!!  I just laughed so hard when I opened the package - my whole family did!  How funny and creative!

This is the barbie I worked on.  I dyed her hair pink and she has curlers in her hair made from drinking straws.

Here she is completed.  I made her into a fairy.  She has sparkly skin, long eyelashes, beautiful pink hair, and of course she is carrying her bottle of fairy dust!
This is the other barbie I was working on at the same time.  I made her into a mermaid.  I also curled her hair because it was so much fun to put the curlers in!  She has glitter make-up and a tail made from that plaster stuff on strips.  I just taped her legs together tightly and then wrapped the plaster strips, sanded and painted.  I glued flowers to her chi-chis (I couldn't find shells in my stash).  She turned out really pretty and she was so much fun to make!!


  1. Those are amazing! Love them. Visiting from Swapbot - hi there!


  2. omgosh! i love those curlers!
    Arwen68 swapbot

  3. I love the flying pig barbie, that would crack me up if I got that in the post! My sister altered most of her barbies as a child, but I think she was going through an odd phase as she just chopped off all their hair!


  4. That flying pig is hilarious, but slightly creepy. I'd like to try my hand at altering a Barbie. Seems fun.

    -MsRigby (via swap-bot)

  5. Great job! I never would have thought of using drinking straws as curlers. Your truly talented!!

  6. Ok - those are the BEST barbie alterations I have seen. So funny! I might have to join one of these swaps soon. I love the job you did with the pink hair and curlers. :)

    Shelby (slogsdon on swap-bot)
